By Dansan Njeru Gitari.. Separation of TRUTH from TRUTH involves the arrangements of Sçriptures accordingly.There is the past time TRUTH and the present time TRUTH.Each one of them must be looked at with different perspectives.Regarding the matters pertaining to the past time TRUTH,the ALMIGHTY GOD made the Nation of Israel HIS own Peculiar Nation,His special Treasure above all the people of other Nations.HE made them a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation after they had left the land of Egypt.(19:1-8)(1Peter2:9)The ALMIGHTY GOD Commanded them not to make any Covenants with the Nations of Gentiles not should they make marriages with them (Deoteronomy7:2-6).GOD did not declare His Word, His status, and His judgement to the Nations of Gentiles but to Jacob (Isirael)only.(Psalms 147:19-20)(Romans9:4).The past time TRUTH is that the Glory of God,the Covenants, the giving of the law,the services of God and the promises were given to the Nation of Israel only.Grntiles were not included.When Jesus the Christ came on eath through the Virgin Mary,He came not the Gentiles,but to the Nation of Israel only.(Mathew 15:24)... Gentiles were considered dogs and strangers.They were separated by the law and the Covenants of promise.There was Enemity between Israelites (Jews)and Gentiles.(John4:9).. Israelites were justified as righteous through the Acts of the law;such as Circumscition, the law of Commandments,Observance of Sacred Days etc.During the past time TRUTH, the forginess was Conditional.The Israelites were would be forgiven if they had given others.(Mathew6:14--15)That was the Past--time dispensation.What about the present Dispensation?The present time TRUTH?The apostle Paul plainly tells us the TRUTH in the book of Ephesians:"Therefore remember that you,once Gentiles in the flesh--who were called the uncircumscision by the Circumscition made in the flesh by hands that at the time you were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the Covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the World.But now in Christ Jesus,you who were far of have been brought near by the blood of Christ.For He Himself is our peace,who has made both one and has broken down the middle wall of Separation, having abolished in His flesh the Enemity that is the law of Commandments contained in ordinances,so as to create in Himselve one new. Man from the two(Israel and Gentiles)that making peace and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the Cross, thereby puting to death the Enemity"(Ephesians 2:11-16).The present TRUTH is that through the Cross,death was abolished."There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female:for you are all one in Christ Jesus."(Galatians3:28)In the present TRUTH, Forgiveness is not Conditional.GOD in Christ Jesus forgave us first and advised us to forgive one another (Ephesians 4:32)(Colossians2:13)So, whoever BELIEVES that Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins, died,burried and resurrected," justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law."(Romans3:28).In this Dispensation,(the present TRUTH),we are not under the law.Amen!!!
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