THE MINISTRY OF RECONCILATION...By Dansan Njeru Gitari....Read what the apostle Paul advised Bishops, Deacons and all the Saints in Christ who were in Philipp."Brethren, join in following my example,and note those who walk ,as you have us for a pattern.For many walk,of whom I have told you often,and now tell you even wrapping,that they are enemies of the Cross of Christ whose end is destruction,whose God is their bellies,and whose glory is in their shame---who set their minds on earthly things.For our Citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Saviuo,the Lord Jesus Christ,who will tranform our lowly body that it may be comformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself."(Philippians,3:17-21)..... Bishops, Deacons and other Saints who were in Christ,were advised to join in following the apostle Paul's example.The apostle Paul was saved (1Timothy1:15)and he followed the steps of Christ, in Faithfulness, Humility, Hand working, Showing Kindness to others, preaching the gospel of salvation,etc.According to Poul,there were some who walked in Poul's example as he said:"and note those who walk as you have us for a pattern."It means that every who did not follow Poul and Saints'examples were the enemies of the cross of Christ.Poul says their god is their belly and their glory is in their shame--"who set their minds on earthly things".Pour said their end was in destruction.What about you and I?are we following those who are ending to destruction?....Those who are following Poul's example today,are raised with Christ.So,they are the Body of Christ (B.O.C.)Being the first member of the B.O.C.,the apostle Paul said"For our Citizenship is in heaven,.......
